UIC Advantage

Student reading a book

Underwood International College (UIC) is a highly selective four-year liberal arts college. It offers an intimate, elite setting within the larger institution of Yonsei University. All instruction is conducted in English and the college is open to students of all nationalities. UIC seeks to balance a rigorous liberal arts foundation with diverse, often interdisciplinary, majors and to produce future global leaders.

UIC brings together visiting and permanent faculty from top universities around the world and draws upon the Yonsei faculty in order to educate creative, critical, and independent thinkers who will take their place on an international stage.

UIC aims to generate a vibrant, truly multinational community for our students while taking advantage of local opportunities unique to East Asia. In addition to a broadly based liberal arts education, UIC draws upon the rich and distinguished tradition of Korean studies at Yonsei. The curriculum capitalizes on Seoul’s distinctive location as a crossroads of East Asia, bringing together students and faculty interested in Asian studies and offering a Korean Studies minor. UIC students are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the close partnerships established with peer institutions in China, Japan, and other Asian countries. UIC students also have the chance to spend a year in any of over 620 institutions in 59 countries, through Yonsei's extensive exchange program.

Message from the Dean of UIC

Dean of UIC

Welcome to Underwood International College. UIC is a four-year liberal arts college where distinguished scholars from around the world provide an exceptional educational environment for our students. In keeping with Yonsei educational tradition, we are committed to foster our students to become future leaders, under the Yonsei motto of "The Truth Will Set You Free."

Your four years at UIC will undoubtedly be demanding, but I am certain they will also be supremely rewarding. There are numerous disciplines and interdisciplinary studies you can choose as your specialty, but the UIC Common Curriculum is the essence of our proud program. It is a unique program that prepares you for the global stage with three core values: creative and critical thinking, democratic citizenship, and global leadership. It will help you to become an original problem solver by honing your communication and critical thinking skills and by helping you to open yourself to others from different cultures.

With a rich history that began in 1885, Yonsei is one of the most outstanding universities in Korea, and in the world. As an undergraduate student, you have chances for privileged access to scholars at the frontier of their specialized areas. Few colleges can offer students this rare opportunity. You will also meet peers from truly diverse backgrounds, who will become your colleagues and friends for many years to come. Go on and take on an adventure with the cultures you have yet to know and ask our devoted faculty for guidance. You will be able to discover new capacities and strength in yourself; also, you will gain valuable perspective toward the world and shape the values crucial for career success and a fulfilling life.

UIC has relatively short history compared to similar institutions in the West, but it very quickly became a globally renowned liberal art college. Our proud alumni, who are now pursuing their dreams all over the world, are the testament to its impressive achievement. The founding members of UIC had great faith and confidence that we could build a world-class liberal art college in Korea, particularly at Yonsei University. I also firmly believe we owe this success to the tremendous efforts of UIC faculty, staff, and last but not least, our amazing students. I sincerely hope you will join our community and become one of them.

Please join us at UIC, and discover people and ideas you have never encountered before. Here at Underwood International College, you can be assured that your college experience will stand out among your lifetime experiences.

Professor Taeyoon Sung, Ph.D.
Dean, Underwood International College