Founded in 2005, Underwood Field/Division (UD) is the oldest division at UIC with five specialized majors combined by a rigorous common curriculum program, emphasizing core reasoning and communication skills. UD students may choose from five majors covering humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

During their first-year of study, all Underwood Division students will be involved in a residential college life at the Yonsei International Campus, where they will take common curriculum courses with students from other UIC divisions, introductory courses to majors and various electives. Starting from their second year, students will move to the Sinchon Campus, where they will take the courses of their respective majors, electives, UIC seminars and other common curriculum courses.

Underwood Division

Comparative Literature and Culture

The Heart of Culture Resides in Literature

More About CLC


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More About ECON

International Studies

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More About IS

Political Science and International Relations

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More About PSIR

Life Science and Biotechnology

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More About LSBT