The East Asian Leadership Track

The UIC Three-Campus Exchange Program aims to bring the future East Asia leaders together to share a remarkable academic experience and develop life-long freindships UIC, the University of Hong Kong, and Keio University each host students for one semester, helping them to gain new understanding of the society and culture in each country and establish a network of connections across Korea, China, and Japan. UIC students may also choose to study at Waseda University as exchange students.

The Global Career Track

This track aims to assist students who are planning to pursure their career in the country of their choice. For students interested in international organization, an exchange program is available with the University of Geneva in Switzerland. The UC-Berkeley Economics Semester-Abroad Program (BESAP) is open exculsively UIC economics majors with a unique opportunity to enrich their academic and cultural experience by spending a senester at the world-renowned University of California, Berkeley.

The Ivy League Track

The Ivy League Track provides students with a rare opportunity to study at the most prestigious institutions in the US. An exchange program with Dartmouth College was introduced in the fall of 2009. Students can also participate in a visiting study abroad program at Barnard College, Columbia University.