Declaring a Double Major

Students may select a second major from any majors offered at Yonsei, except for a few majors such as medicine, dentistry, nursing, etc. Students who have already declared their 1st major (including students on leave) are eligible to apply for a second major. The application period is around the final examination period of each semester.

Declaring a Double Major within the Division in UIC

Can apply from their 4th semester without any selection process.

How to apply for a double major within the division:

  • Go to the Yonsei Portal Service
  • Click on "Academic Information System" → "Academic Management System" → "Majors" → "(UIC) Second Major"

Declaring a Double Major Outside of the Division in UIC

Can apply from their 4th semester which will go through selection process.

How to apply for a double major outside of the division in UIC:

  • Go to the Yonsei Portal Service
  • Click on "Academic Information System" → "Academic Management System" → "Majors" → "(UIC) Second Major"

Declaring a Non-UIC Double Major

Can apply from their 3rd semester which will go through selection process.

How to apply for non-UIC double major:

  • Go to the Yonsei Portal Service
  • Click on "Academic Information System" → "Academic Management System" → "Majors" → "Second Major" → "Second Major"

Declaring a Minor

The minor system is open to all majors offered at Yonsei, except for a few majors such as medicine, dentistry, nursing etc., but the number of students approved for a minor may be limited if necessary.

Students who have completed at least 21 credits of a major (depending on the major, there may be requirements for a minor) before graduation and apply for a minor when applying for graduation will be evaluated by the Office of Academic Affairs; and if approved, successful completion of the minor will be indicated on the diploma.

Additional Information about Minor

No separate degree is conferred for minors.

Additional information for Non-UIC Minors are only available in Korean in the Yonsei University Website

Joint Major

Joint majors provide students the opportunity to synthesize the best of multiple areas of study into a single theme, satisfying the needs of students who seek more variety in their academic experience.

You can consult with your academic advisor to select the joint major that suits best with your current major to produce the best synergic effects.

You can also visit and discuss with the head professor in charge of the interdisciplinary major, who will provide guidance regarding application and approval of the joint major.

Additional Information about Joint Major can be found via: