Declaring a Major

UIC students are required to select their 1st major from within their division at the end of the second semester.

  1. Go to the Yonsei Portal Service
  2. Click on "Academic Information System → Academic Management System" and log in
  3. Go to the "Majors" section and click on "First Major (UIC)"
  4. Click on the "Survery" tab and complete the survey. Then click on the "Application" tab
  5. Select your desired major and click on "Save"

Changing a Major

Change to a Major Outside the Division

Students cannot transfer to a different major outside of their division within UIC. In order to change to a major outside of their division, the student must go through readmission.

A student may obtain permission for readmission only once and only if there is a vacancy in the normal quota. Anyone subject to any of the following conditions is banned from re-admission:

  • Dismissed for concurrently registering at another college/university.
  • Dismissed after readmission, transfer, transfer for second degree, change of college/department.
  • Dismissed as a result of university's disciplinary judgment.
  • Students dismissed because of poor academic standing are not allowed to apply for readmission for two years.

Change to a Major within the Division

A change in major affiliation, when approved, may not become effective until the beginning of the next semester.

Changing a major is allowed only once. Switching to a major outside of the division to which the student was initially admitted is prohibited.